See You Depart

The stars in your eyes

Were dimmed by being near

The canvas of my black, black sky

So you were a shooting star

Falling far, far away from where you are

And I wished upon you

Wondering what earthly haven you’d go to

What arms of mud would wrap you up

In places you only bared to me

What leaves would hold the shattered pieces

That I once cherished in you, as you cried

But you walk out, steps heavy and cold

Mouth set, eyes defiant and bold

I think I’ve died, for ya

I wish upon you, my darling shooting star

I hope I’m not broken by the breaking of my heart

As I see you depart.

And I wish upon you, that those muddy arms

Which wrap around you now

Can keep you warmer

Than a stupid night-breeze 

Can ever hope to do.


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❝The Shadows Are Her Spotlight❞