
Showing posts from January, 2021

The (Not So) Discreet Art of Stealing a Book

Emma wondered how long it would take for the bookstore owner to realise that she'd stolen his receipt book. She laughed to herself, thinking of the suspicious looks he'd thrown at her when she'd sauntered into the ancient-looking bookstore and looked around the place like a connoisseur, throwing a few approving looks here and there for good measure. Oh, little had the old man known that his books weren't going to be stolen tonight. For a book containing “life-changing information”, it was very easy to steal. Emma was strolling down the “Fiction” aisle when the shelf marked “Young Adult Fantasy” caught her eye. She trailed her finger along the shiny spines, pausing at a golden one, and pretended to look perplexedly at it until the fat old man who was not-so-discreetly spying at her realised that she needed help. When she saw him hobbling towards her, she picked up pace till she reached a long table. Scooping up a few mags, she ran to the counter and swiped away all t

The Burglar

The clouds seemed to be playing hide and seek with the stars that night. The twinkling little dots were hidden behind those murky swirls one moment, and on the other, they shined as clearly as crystals studded in the dark, velvety night. The moon was no stranger to their antics, yet it seemed to hang sullenly beside them as if it were the Eeyore to their Winnie, Piglet and Tigger. Maisie was turning her gaze toward the terrace where she stood when a moving figure caught her eye. The person had a white hanky on their mouth and cast furtive glances at the street before rushing to the house at the end of the street. It was still under construction and had other houses lined after it on one side, and bushes and rubble on the other. The person grabbed hold of the metal gate and swung their legs to reach past it. Sirens flared in Maisie’s head. She couldn’t fathom as to why a burglar would target a house that didn’t even have residents. Then it occurred to her that maybe that house had a