
Showing posts from October, 2019


hello papa,   hasn't it been a long time  since we talked? do you miss me? it's okay if you didn't, not many do. do you remember those days when we went by  that roundabout where  the fountain flowed? the golden shimmer of the lights always fascinated me, but i remember the lines of your sad smile that got reflected in the frothy water. that sad smile, what was it? did you regret hitting mama? but you wouldn't have smiled then, right? do you remember  how you took me around the city,  with you holding the handles and  me sitting behind you on our shiny red two wheeler? we passed by the crowded malls, the golden fountain and the construction sites. remember how you told me to  shut my eyes and count to ten whenever dust invaded your nostrils? i felt the orange glow of streetlights on my shut eyelids as we sped past and thought that you were my hero. oh, do you remember those late nights in McDonald's? all my friends love Burger King and KFC  but do Burger King and KF