

It is 18:32. The sinking sun diffuses into the sky like orange candy on a tongue. The sun is slow, yet swift—it gracefully descends like a ballerina when you look at it, but plunges down like a dart plane when you look away. It is as if the sun feels your gaze and wants you to marvel at its glory as it puts its nightcap on. But you should know, the sun only takes a stroll around the world to light up some distant skies. When you see the sun swallowed by the horizon, you should know that it is swiftly climbing up the stairs of another sky in a far-off land you have never seen. Another girl will perch at her balcony at 18:32 to watch what you have just watched. And it will go on.


I totally did not write purple prose there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Did the excessive imagery enhance your reading experience, or was it a hindrance? Please tell me so that I can improve!


  1. The imagery was perfect, according to me... The prose was beautiful, Ki... Now whenever I look at a sunset (if I get the chance), I'll remember your poem!!!

    1. Ah, thank you!! I'm so flattered, Mahi, glad you think so! :)

  2. I'm not kidding when I say this one of your best works Ki!! Really loved the orange candy metaphor <3

    1. Thank you, Renhyuck ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) love you lots dumbass :D

  3. Thank you, Raashi! Very glad you like the comparison, dude! It was actually inspired by a lyric from the song Knee Socks by Arctic Monkeys: "cough-drop coloured tongue".


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