
Showing posts from March, 2021

seventh-grade crush

my heart has this special beat when my phone shows me your name and your face makes my cheeks hurt with the ghost of a laugh you put on them i wonder what you’re up to now homework/binging late night shows? oh, i hope your eyes shine just as bright as they did when you sneaked into the show you had dressed up with your middle school mates like those slick dudes just to steal the food honestly, i thought ‘twas a lie but i woulda kissed you for trying to make me smile and i kissed you in my dreams that magical night i just wish your eyes weren’t shut so tight… when i had on your favourite hairstyle you didn’t spare me a second smile you told my bestie about a girl who’s nice: she likes girls but she’s the one you liked so i ignored the tears welling in my eyes well, it had to happen, you’re an older guy and her name had the word “Love” in it, so yeah and i cried to sleep that horrible night i just wish your eyes weren’t shut so tight  i fell for you with the wi

don't touch me, daylight

don't touch me, daylight don't embrace me with your golden warmth don't put my flaws on spotlight i hate the caricature you make of me don't touch me, daylight it was so much better when it was dark outside no people out, just the occasional lights of people like me who can't sleep at night don't touch me, daylight the soothing darkness yearns for my soul its haunting melody cuts me whole but green-eyed temptress, you take it all away don't touch me, daylight don't touch me. basically, a dramatic rendition of all of us when we say that we don't want to wake up because seriously, how can morning arrive so quick? .