positivity post

if you use an adjective for yourself, and it doesn't ring true in the superlative sense, it's okay. you don't need to have a Nobel Prize in the Sciences to call yourself intelligent. you don't need to be of model standards to call yourself pretty. you don't have to be Shakespeare to call yourself a good writer. it's good to know where you stand and to be humble, but please don't belittle your own qualities just because you're not the best in that field. this sounds blatantly obvious put this way, but... slicing your flag to shreds won't make it fly any higher. what's important in life is to have a growth mindset, to focus on pulling the ropes properly, so that your flag is able to wave proudly in the sky. let us all be kinder to ourselves and treat ourselves as we'd want to be treated by others (oops, i totally didn't reverse the saying xD).

ki ♡ 

a/n: this is something I had written on Wattpad; I posted it here because we all can use some positivity sometimes. :D

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels


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